108 definitions by shawn


That girl flipped me off, what a jerkess!
by shawn August 8, 2004
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Tool implemented by governments so that citizens of countries are forced to put their lives on the line fighting wars over values and ideas that do not necessarily reflect their own. From what I understand this is usually done randomly through a lottery system!
1. Since we don't have enough people enlisting in the armed forces we will now reinstate the draft and force you to die for this country. Ain't freedom great?
by shawn June 2, 2004
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any person or object that is not to be underestimated or fucked with
i fucked this lil bitch last nite.. man she was no hatrack
by shawn October 6, 2004
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man i wanna F.A.N.I.T.A. so badly, it hurts.
by shawn May 27, 2004
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curb monkeys

Groupies to the motorcycle world , these are the girls who line the curbs waiting for guys to take them for a ride.
The guy on the v-rod gets alot of booty from the curb monkeys.
by shawn December 31, 2004
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Acronym for nothing to say, used when someone wants to remain silent or plead the fifth.
Kelly: Did you hear about Jenny's new boyfriend?
Maxine: NTS
by shawn February 17, 2004
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Stupid term used primarily by journalist in the early 90s, because the thought they needed a new word for rock music.
Hey this shit sounds pretty good, but we can't call it "rock n' roll" alright why don't we just call it "grunge".
by shawn December 23, 2004
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