paper tiger

a literal English translation of the Chinese phrase zhǐ lǎohǔ (simplified Chinese: 纸老虎; traditional Chinese: 紙老虎), meaning something that seems as threatening as a tiger, but is really harmless.
"All reactionaries are paper tigers." - Mao Zedong
by fettfan91 April 27, 2010
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Extreme displeasure, annoyance, or aggrevation.
I just spilled boiling hot soup on my crotch! >:|
by Anonymous August 28, 2003
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The conveyor belt to nowhere that one has to walk upon to keep their body in shape, or in times of neglect becomes a place for clutter collection...
Damn, I have to get off the computer now and walk on the cursed dreadmill...
by Carmelynn Cole December 30, 2006
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Used in Northern Ireland for a group or community you do not belong to, the opposite of "usins". Often used derogatorily. Thoseins is also used in the same manner.
"Did you see what themmins are up to? Themmins are always causing trouble around here."
by Dottyquil January 11, 2025
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The process and goal of removing Google from a person's life, and the influence it has over them.
The return to a more meaningful, and thought provoking internet experience
By going through the degooglization process, my internet searches are becoming more focused in fact based results, versus ad based.
by open mind 589 April 10, 2021
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Defined in the 1984 movie of the same name
by shep Abbott February 21, 2005
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dome piece

Another name for your head. Usually used in connection with striking your head.
I just cracked you up side the dome piece!
You just got your dome piece smacked around!
by T-Dog! February 28, 2003
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