To put the edges of two old or dull butter knives on the top of a hot stove for a few minutes until extremely hot, and to then pinch small pieces of weed under a cut-out, oversized plastic gallon fruit juice container that has a thick ring of ice/snow inside.
Try kniving. It vaporizes weed and leaves you high as hell!
by jeFFro April 9, 2004
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The art of watching a large amount of Youtube videos
Man I've been powertubing all day! I'm the biggest Power Tuber ever!
by Edwid Ro April 30, 2010
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HEY, your ex never deserved you. now pick that crown up, wipe them tears off your face and be the bad ass you are. also if you feel like it amos (add me on snapchat) @ommoore28 i need friends and if you wanna talk about it i can help you just add me:)
other person: “i don’t know how to get over my ex”
me: “your ex never deserved you”
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A hairy vagina. ete. the hairy axewound like shape - obviously
I loved to taste her hairy axewound

Her minge looked like a hairy axe wound
by Olly the Sanchez April 27, 2003
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It is the same as saying funny, but it is misspelled, making it funnier to say
Person 1: Did you see that meme I sent you?

Person 2: Yah it was funyt
by FunnyManWhoIsFunny October 1, 2019
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A term somehow developed in southern England...

Meaning : the bell end

by Desray May 14, 2006
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