
The name of the occasion in which a person named Frank has a birthday that falls on Thanksgiving. Used as a reminder that the birthday should not be ignored simply because it falls on a holiday.
Dude, I'm going to my parent's house for Thanksgiving dinner in the afternoon and then Ponch is having a few beers at Union Street to celebrate Franksgiving so I'll meet up with him for that.
by Tongue Punch September 29, 2010
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Safe Way To Say The Word 'Cunt'. It is used as it is C-UNT, UNT being University of North Texas.
Person 1: "Ugh. He is such a University of North Texas."
by Fezguy002 October 5, 2021
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Lincoln Log

The act of laying across other partners sexually the way you would build cult classic game “Lincoln logs” to get the ultimate stack height to reach peak orgasm. Formations may vary based on party size.
Why’s Corey inviting us to the bedroom at this time?

Dude, he’s trying to Lincoln log, you should join!
by Lincoln Loggerman December 25, 2021
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Maekyla ( Ma-ki-la ) is an uncommon name, but one who was given such a precious name oughta be thankful. Maekyla’s are extremely smart. They are also very, very, attractive. Maekyla’s can put a smile on your face at any moments! They also give amazing hugs.
Maekyla looks so beautiful today!”
by x_Catastrophe January 1, 2018
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My english teacher gots some mitties.
by Derek Hawkins October 8, 2008
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means ur kewl if u do n retards do it
it can also me to have sex wit a retard lol
hahaha i am sooo cool HERF!!!
" fuck man i had some herf sex last night, she fell outa her wheel chair
by marcus jw August 7, 2004
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real country boys

Boy that wears his boots on a daily basis An didn’t just wake up one day an started wearing them because of his friends. Knows how to hunt fish an get a little mud on his boots. Got an nice little booty in his jeans an dips cause he looks good doing it.
Carlee: man he’s one real country boy with that dip in his lip an that nice booty too;)
Hannah: girl i know he’s a hottie! He’s one of those real country boys.
by Page-mom February 1, 2018
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