Its when you think you have a fart but instead, "Surprise" it turns out to be a dookie. A fookie
Please don't fookie in my bed.
by Ekid February 16, 2013
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What is happening. what is happening in any kind of surronding. Asking for information
by quebedo August 31, 2006
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Absurd talking points used by Donald Trump to deflect attention from his willful ignorance of established science.
As the US death toll from Covid hit 150,000, Trump again spouted pseudo-science, touting hydroxychloroquine as a proven cure, so effective that wearing masks was unnecessary.

Masks have been shown to be highly effective in preventing infection and hydroxychloroquine has been dismissed by the medical profession as having no relevance where Covid is concerned.
by Monkey's Dad July 30, 2020
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the sound of a stomach sloshing, mostly liquid rather than solid growling like a dog barking.
When my wife goes running, she complains about how her stomach jurgles so loudly other runners stare at her.
by Dave Henry December 17, 2007
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Both thirsty and delicious. I.e. obviously wet, and quite a snack herself.
Oh my Gawd, Those boys over there are so thirstalicous. They want to rip my clothes off and I want to let them!
by Macious Antonious October 2, 2020
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A situation/event/gathering that leads to interacting with many of your best friends.

~Derived from how dogs get excited/wag their tails at the dog park when seeing other dogs.
Victoria: "So Stacy, Hannah and Kathy are moving into my neighborhood, it's going to be a dog park!"
Rachel: "Ahhh such a dog park!"
by Chrico_PK May 5, 2024
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