85 definitions by DesPERRYado

Biblical proverb "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Ironically, it was originally called the Silver Rule; invented by Confuscious.

It's inherently flawed because it only works if the person wants to be treated exactly like you.
"The real Golden Rule should go something like "Do unto others as you they would do unto themselves." -Gamache
by DesPERRYado October 4, 2005
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An ejaculatory device used to aid in the collection or removal of ejaculate.
Person: "My mom found my spankerchief."
Luke: "hahaha, you have a spankerchief?"
by DesPERRYado August 16, 2005
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A faux jutsu used by Kakashi-sensei in the anime Naruto. The technique basically consists of the user sneaking behind the anime, sticking his/her index fingers into the enemy's anus and thrusting the enemy into the air, hence a thousand years of pain.

Naruto later customizes this technique. Instead of thrusting the enemy into the air, Naruto leaves a firebomb in the enemy's anus.
Proctologist: "Ok, this is going to feel a bit weird."

Patient: "What the fuck, doc? Are you trying to do the THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN on me or what?"
by DesPERRYado October 15, 2005
Wendy's term: Used when fry person needs a serving of fries, nuggets AND strips. Originally used by Luke and was forced into Wendy's terminology by Perry.
I need a grand slam!

Grand slam?

Fries, nuggets and strips!!
by DesPERRYado February 13, 2005
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Ebonics slang. Though it doesn't have a literal meaning, it's usually just used to announce your presence.

Me: Ah fuck, it's Moe. Man, Zac's such a pussy when he tries to flatter Moe and doesn't back me up when Moe puts me down.
by DesPERRYado November 4, 2004
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To have a sexual experience with a cross dresser.
"Man, I thought going to bed without brushing my teeth was talking a walk on the wild side, but now this?!"
by DesPERRYado October 10, 2005
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A popular brand of macaroni and cheese that if prepare correctly, still doesn't taste like cheese.
Cory: KD sucks

Perry: Kraft dinner does fucking suck, it doesn't even taste like cheese.
by DesPERRYado November 2, 2004
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