1. tmp for the info
by panda_smile March 30, 2015
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Acronym for "too much pressure".
Could also be used in the context of something being too much effort, and you can't be bothered.

Created by Rosie Lord and not George Shiel
I'm not going tonight its just tmp right now
by qwertyuioPasdfghjkLzxcvbnmz January 27, 2011
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1.Can be summed up in 2 words: Ownage Machine
2.Gun that noobs think is weak
1.P1:I weild the ownage machin!
P2:Oh you mean the TMP?
2.Omfg wtf h4x wtf he kild me w/ teh tmp wtf wat a h4x0r tmp si teh suk!
by Cheshire July 30, 2003
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TMP also known as - Touch My Penis
One male is pinned down and another male pulls out his penis and begins to masterbate on to the first male. The first male must touch the other males penis (and suffer being called a faggot). If the penis is not touched, then the only way to end the game is by the other male finishing.
by TMP69696969696969 June 25, 2010
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Touch My Penis
or in Spanish, Toca Me la Penga
It is multi-lingual.

This came from a conversation about abbreviations such as IDK, OMG etc... thus TMP was born.

TMP has already spread widely through out Houston and we hope it continues to do so. Young and old all appreciate the TMP.
OMG, TMP! What are you doing 2nite? IDK TMP?
by Jesus Sordizzle September 25, 2008
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An extremely powerfull weapon cablable of killing anything in its path. Many people try to use the TMP, but fail misserably.
Only the best hugest nerds that play CS all day long, are able to snipe with the TMP on maps such as de_dust2 and de_inferno

Many times have i been raped by a huge nerd at huge ranged, but this is only possible with a TMP.

The only weapon cabable of beating a huge nerd with a TMP is a huge nerd with duel scoped, duel berreta elites with duel laser sights.
Huge nerd #1 is CT and buys TMP.
Huge nerd #1's team is ecoing and decides to all camp B.
Huge nerd #2 is T and buys Elites.

Huge nerd #1 tries to sniper with the TMP at mid through DD.
Huge nerd #2 Duel Sniper Duel Elites mid from T spawn.

Huge nerd #2 killed Huge nerd #1 with a duel elites
Huge nerd #2 killed SK|Heaton with a duel elites
Huge nerd #2 killed SK|Potti with a duel elites
Huge nerd #2 killed SK|Fisker with a duel elites
Huge nerd #2 killed SK|Element with a duel elites

by Demon February 3, 2005
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My computer froze up again, i think its from TMP.
by chico sucio December 2, 2010
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