79 definitions by Maxhole

A person who has had the life fucked out of them by Senator Strom Thurmond.
Poor Tunchie! She changed since young Master Strom caught her in the linen closet. I think he done turn her into a strombie.
by Maxhole July 14, 2011
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Rondroid (ron droid) NOUN. The seductively bland people who loiter in busy public places asking young people to take their “free personality test.”
My friend Jamie took their free personality test.

They didn't like the results, so the Rondroids locked her in the testing room. She was screaming and pounding on the door. They left her in there for hours. She thought they were going to kill her. She had to kick a hole in the door to get out, and they tried to have her arrested for trespassing and property destruction.

They're such lovely people.
by Maxhole June 22, 2009
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presidunce (prez id unts) NOUN. A person appointed to the presidency by back room deals because of his criminality or incompetence, to further criminal enterprises. (See Ulysses S. Grant, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, William Howard Taft, William Henry Harrison, Richard Milhouse Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, George Walker Bush) From “president” and “dunce.”
You got your evil presidunces and your incompetent presidunces, but how do you top a man who says, "They never stop thinking of ways to hurt our country, and neither do we."
by Maxhole June 22, 2009
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Halfgonistan (haf gon iss tan) NOUN. A country or place which has been half destroyed by war. From “half gone” and “Afghanistan.”
Dude, I lived in Richmond for a year, right across from the oil refinery that kept leaking poison gas. I saw junkies shooting up in my driveway, the landlord test-fired stolen guns in his living room and every Saturday night, automatic weapons fire. "BRAAAP BRAAAP!" "POP-POP-POP-POP!" "BOOM!" There was burned patch on our roof from a fucking Molotov Cocktail. It was like living in Halfgonistan.
by Maxhole June 21, 2009
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Ignorant opinion disguised as fact. From "info," combined with "faux" and "opinion."
Ronald Reagan and John Wayne were war heroes? When I want your infauxpinion, I'll hand you a shovel. Until then, keep it to yourself.
by Maxhole July 14, 2011
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hagazine (hag uzz een) NOUN. A magazine for or about ugly old women.
Me - Everyone in that rag is a withered old crone from Orange County with five facelifts and three dead husbands. Yer creepin' me out, girl. Why are you reading that hagazine?

Her - Shut up, I'm doing my anthropology homework on early humans.
by Maxhole June 21, 2009
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squorp (skworp) NOUN. The squishing, bubbling sound of a boot pulled from a mudhole.
"Every few seconds the sow would shudder and 'squorp,' out would pop another piglet like a melon seed.
by Maxhole June 19, 2009
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