79 definitions by Maxhole

Phlegmocrat (flem oh krat) NOUN. An especially lazy or slimy Democrat.
When Feinstein was a city supervisor, she got the mayor's job because he was assassinated.

While mayor of San Francisco, her husband owned a fuckton of rental property downtown, and quadrupled his net worth. Her money more than doubled.

Now that she's on the Senate Committees on defense, intelligence and homeland security, her husband's company has all these Iraq and Afghanistan construction projects. She votes with Republicans for war to send more money to her hubby.

She oozed her way into office and nothing sticks to her protective coating of slime.

She's not a Democrat, she's a Phlegmocrat.
by Maxhole June 22, 2009
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widgital (wi jit el) ADJECTIVE. The quality of small computerized devices. From “widget” and “digital.”
What should we get Lilly for graduation? How about something widgital, a video camera, or a computer or a navigation system?
by Maxhole June 24, 2009
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poetronics (po et ron iks) NOUN. Circuitry or software that writes poetry. One example is, "Poetry CreatOR 2," an online poetry generator (created by Jeff Lewis, Erik Sincoff with help from Darin and Thad Nicholson).
An example of poetronics:

The Dancing Lady
by Anonymous

A robin travels from the alarmed Fuckmuffins,
Where the size of the revolver was all that matters
Transferring out, into the distance, the red wagon kicks.
Thrice she said with flattering hairs and horny sighs.
The day wearies, the hunting of pandas is fruitless, come to my embrace
Ecstaticness washed over she like a listless thorn,
With a youthful cluck and a magnanimous conceive we pressed onward
Cast me down from heaven for lying of dark palaces.
So deal not with this once thy glorious TV repairman.
by Maxhole June 22, 2009
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Turd Reich (terd raik) NOUN.

1. A play on the words, "Third Reich."

2. The long, brutal, fraudulent reign of U.S. President George Walker Bush.

3. The tenure of George Bush's “brain,” Karl Rove, (nickname, “turd blossom”), as Bush's chief adviser.

4. G.W. Bush is the third (get it, third/turd?) U.S. leader named “George.” (George Washington and G.H.W. Bush were the first two. See also, “Third Reich.”
Details of the Turd Reich's horrific torture practices came today in the so-called "Holy Grail" report from the CIA.
by Maxhole June 25, 2009
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pervertical (per vur tih kul) ADJECTIVE. To be like a pervert. To have something in common with a deviant mind. Being aligned with demented and dangerous ideas.
Neil- So I fired my degaussing cannon, which erased all her bank cards. She was stuck in the middle of Shitsville with no money and no way to get home. Know what I did next?

Tommy- You gave her a hundred bucks so she'd give you her phone number so she could pay you back. And maybe give you a gratitude fuck.


Tommy- We're pervertical.

Neil- Yeah, we kinda are.

Tommy- So, did you fuck her?

Neil- Nah, I want to sabotage her car and rescue her from a burning building first. Then she'll REALLY let me do all kinds of sick shit on her.

Tommy- You're such a romantic.
by Maxhole June 21, 2009
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splurtch (splerch) NOUN. The splattering sound made by falling face down in a mud bog.
I slammed my hand down in a pan full of devil's food cake batter and splurtched brown goo all over Diane's white angora sweater.
by Maxhole June 19, 2009
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A very stupid person. Literally, a truckload of dumb.
Who let that dumbtruck in? She just said Sarah Palin would make a good president! Now it's all over me! The stupid, it burns! AIEEEE!!!
by Maxhole July 14, 2011
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