Jersey Shore

The reason my generation's filled with so many morons.
No examples needed when society's fucked. Thank you Jersey Shore!
by IAmLadyFox August 11, 2011
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Jersey Shore

The reason that will be given when god is asked why he wiped out the human race.

A TV show with a cast full of losers with room temperature IQ's who like to run around Fist Pumping, which they do so they have lots of practice when they go home to fuck their mothers.
The male cast members are on steroids because they are too lazy to build muscle the old fashioned way and the females have Breast enhancements to make up for the fact they have nothing in their brains and no soul.

Most define themselves as Guidos and Guidettes but act more likely Puerto Ricans with an inferiority complex.

They like to give themselves Nicknames like J-wow, Snookie and the Situation but should choose something more appropriate such as Cum dumpster, Oompa loompa and Closet Case.

This Show is going to be used as Evidence when MTV is put on trial for destroying American culture.
I would rather be Gang Raped by Mike Tyson, Shuge Night and the 1985 Chicago Bears while having hot Lava poured into every available orifice them being eaten alive by tigers than watch Jersey Shore
by Jerkymcstupid August 7, 2010
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Jersey Shore

A show on MTV that reveals to the world why New Jersey residents hate Bennies. Unlike them, we don't say New Joizy or call it the Jersey Shore. It's either the shore if you live in Jersey, or if you're a local, the beach. The show features 8 guidos and guidettes. They have never been to the shore, and some of them have never even been to New Jersey. But to them, Seaside is Heaven on Earth. Watch as they get drunk, get laid, and trash Seaside Heights. While your at it, maybe you can learn a couple things about tanning, fist pumps and hair gel.
Kid: Hey man, did you watch Jersey Shore last night?

Other Kid: Hell yea dude, right after my tan. *FIST PUMP*
by Jersey Boy15 December 10, 2009
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Jersey Shore

an awful show were everyone has disgusting fake tans.
twinkle twinkle little whore,
your at school not jersey shore,
you're a filthy orange mess,
now go find a longer dress....
by sdcfghjkl;lkj February 23, 2012
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Jersey Shore

An ignorant show starring a bunch of Guido whores and tool bags who are nobodies pretending to be celebrities.
Dude1: Did you see that stupid, no talent show last night?
Dude2: You mean Jersey Shore right??
by thedirtydude1122 March 25, 2010
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