
A blowjob when the giver has water in his/her mouth
Tom: heard u got a gobby
Sam: not just that, a glup
Tom: nice
by Big Timmah February 27, 2014
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noun. An extremely obese person ususally found with a mobility scooter and a feeder
glup gluttonous fat Obese bulky portly plus size
by Georgie76 June 22, 2011
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The reverse of gulping. The process of your shit retracting into your ass instead of expelling
Guy: Man I had to shit so bad but then I just began glupping and I don't feel the need anymore.
by Ryunoku December 16, 2021
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the dried cotton mouth gunk built up around the lips or sides of mouth. dried lip boogers. gunk built up on mouth piece of pipes.
after smoking that blunt, billy wiped his mouth on his sleave and saw a smear of glup.
by mrspiclet March 7, 2008
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2. (n) A serving spoon full of food or a scoop of ice cream.
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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1. To vomit in one's mouth; 2. to expel a small mouthful of vomit.
She glupped on her shirt.
by campaxamillus August 2, 2009
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to drink large quanities of liquid
by scott d g April 24, 2003
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