Something that is really good.. it is justified. Something that makes sense.
1) The new spoiler for my car is just
2) Your views on the current political ideology is just
by Alex Aslani October 15, 2003
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mere or merely. A weak adjective or adverb that is a 'filler' word such as like. Sometimes used by songwriters to fill out the meter of their lyrics. Other than the latter group, the written or spoken sentence can get along quite nicely without the word.
What are you doing? "I'm just chillin'"
Reply sounds fine saying "I'm chillin'"
by ExitRamp June 23, 2004
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A little word that creeps in in all kind of places where it doesn't belong.An easy way of trivialising something without having to justify the trivialisation, and often without the hearer even realising what is happening.
Its just psychosomatic.
I know he beats her up but he's just insecure.
by Pedanta June 26, 2004
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Some one who is fair, or the act of being fair. For an antonym, see George W. Bush.
Dubya only cares about rich bastards like himself.
by cubicle October 10, 2004
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A cowardly and sneaky way of asking something for free, while implying it is a trivial task.
Hey, while you're painting the house, can you just paint that part of the fence for me? Thanks!
by Howie Capone September 21, 2008
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Barely Legal. Taken from two definitions of the word Just.

Definition 1: Barely; by a narrow margin; within a brief period of time; only; merely

Definition 2: Legal; legitimate; guided by justice; in accordance with standards; right; lawful; proper
Man 1: “You’d better stay away from her, or you’ll end up in jail!”
Man 2: “No worries, I checked her out. She’s Just Just!”
by Politic Ric June 2, 2010
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To have your spirit and physical being crushed into a state of submission. To have your life ruined beyond repair.
American men tend to get justed hard after a divorce.
by bigguyforyou4221 December 30, 2017
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