Someone who wants to have sex with a crypted
P1:man I wish Bigfoot would eat my ass
P2:tf your such a crypted fucker
by HomostuckButLessDeath December 7, 2021
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A state of being so unpresentable that you look like death itself. Typically characterized by no make-up, greasy hair, and feelings of extreme ugliness.
Jen: hey! wanna go shopping?

You: yeah give me an hour though. i just got out of bed and i look like a f*cking crypt keeper
by Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehe September 5, 2011
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The best form of marijuana, The bud has a blue hue to it rather than the usual green. It gives off the smell of blueberries.
-yo man you sure this is weed? it smells like blueberrys.
-yeah its blueberry crypt.
by michael fruebnat March 8, 2008
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After- dark booty call. Someone you would never be caught out with in puiblic by any of your friends because they are so ugly,nasty..etc..
"Did you see John sneaking over to Felicia's house last night?"

"Yeah I saw him, guess he don't want anyone to know he is fucking that crypt keeper!"
by Funky_Girl November 6, 2007
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That dirty old pervert who sits the entrance of the stage to harass dancers
If that crypt keeper touches me again I am Gunna break off his bony finger and shove it up his ass.
by Ted monster March 7, 2015
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(Noun) - A sexually-aggressive older woman (see "cougar and MILF"), now past the point of potential attractiveness/interest from her own potential conquests; usually identified by rail-thin body, over-exposing tight clothing, a cloud of expensive perfume (presumably to mask the odor of decay), tight facial skin that favors stretched plastic wrap, unblinking reptile-like eyes, and makeup that looks like it was applied by a Hollywood special-effects artist.

This reference is also due to the creature's innate horror-film-like ability to appear attractive from the rear, yet upon turning around they will immediately startle the other person; crypt-keepers are commonly known to be able to frighten small dogs and can cause babies to burst into tears.
"Whoa... she went from 'MILF' to 'cougar' to 'crypt-keeper' in a space of only three years!"
by GraysonoftheWood February 8, 2010
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