745 definitions by michael foolsley

the insulating sleeve one puts around a cup of convenience store coffee.
shit! i forgot the fuck-damn cumberbund, i can't juggle this shit now!!
by michael foolsley December 5, 2009
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attempt to raise the level of some of the more uplifting and elevating of human experience/s...sex and drugs definitely come under this category.

getting off the ground, back in the early days of aviation and 'breaking the bonds of gravity', was a much-sought after activity. in later aviation, much greater heights were sought! i.e. stratosphere, e.t.c. -no need for MISERABLE sex or drug experiences, when one can truly BLAST OFF!! (hint to the ladies! re; the female experience!!)
guy! try for the sky? (guy:) nah, godda pee in a fucking cup!!

i suckled him, till his eyes rolled back; but he'll never try for the sky with me!, i will find another "piece of meat"

the 'dirt boo' i bought, made feeble my try for the sky!!
by michael foolsley November 1, 2011
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hellish situation multiplied by itself
a pipe burst and john's basement flooded, he had a nightmare squared!!

he got that little girl preg-o-not, then lost his job. he had a nightmare squared!!
by michael foolsley December 7, 2009
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tendency of the male to be a total sap to get sex. a blindness totally unrealized until after the fact!! making a total ass of oneself, TO oneself! (over and over!)
joe was doing double back flips trying to crack that crotch, thanks to the curse of sex.
sweet crapping jesus! i'm never going to work that hard for sex again!! -its' the curse of sex
by michael foolsley December 8, 2009
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huge mammary glands, transfixing most males!
she was the possessor of some massives, that dominated my libido.

my wife suggested those massives were bought from a doctor!

need my catcher's mitt to 'feel' THOSE massives!!

russ meyer WORSHIPPED! massives!
by michael foolsley November 4, 2011
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the one nut, bolt, etc that refuses to come loose out of a collection; providing one with a good ass-fucking!! -ie:mechanic's law!!
haven't you got that done yet? -i got five of the six bolts out, but this last bitch is rusted, i've got to fuck with it...!!!

-mechanic's law!! (ie:ALWAYS ONE!!)

mechanic's law was making ten-cents hold up a fuck-damn dollar!!
by michael foolsley February 3, 2010
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the 'religion' that worships PETROLEUM and the internal combustion engine

-insulated in one's own little chamber, BAD MANNERS, AGGRESSION, and general human negative qualities often emerge !

petroleum! , the fuel that is KILLING the PLANET !!
john: got me a new stinkmobile ! ace: joined the petros, did you ??

petros: there's NO climate change ! it's all a bunch of "liberal" MALARKEY !!

i'm taking the 'B' line !! NOT man/woman enough to battle with those petros !! yeah! often, you DO need BRASS ovaries/balls !!
by michael foolsley February 15, 2023
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