Referring to the age at which a young woman's assets are tappable by law.
Damn, it's about time the Olsen twins became legal.
by Bernie October 27, 2004
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Didn't get caught by the cops.
Dude, I've done this a thousand times, it's totally legal.
by kim October 26, 2004
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A one-word oxymoron, when it comes to the profession called "legal".
by Downstrike September 14, 2004
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ur allowed to do without the police kickin the shit in to u
i am allowed that substance its legal, im safe brá
by ya know ;) October 26, 2004
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A) If a girl is above the age of consent she is legal. In New York a girl is legal if shes 17 or older.
B) Not against the law, an act your allowed to do
A) guy1: "damn she's hot, i'd tap that"
guy2: "dude there's no way she's legal"
guy1: "Fucking jail bait"
B) Sometimes its legal to kill someone...sweet
by Alec81484 October 27, 2004
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