62 definitions by dookeyboy

Large media organizations such as NBC/MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and NPR Radio that are actually very legitimate news organizations but are often accused of bias because they embarrass and point out the hypocrisy and idiocy of many Tea Baggers and fake Conversatives.

Former half-Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is a perfect example of someone who uses the phrase all the time even though she is on the payroll of an actual lame stream media outlet, Faux News.
Interviewer: "Mrs. Palin, when asked by Katie Couric what newspapers you read regularly, you could not cite a single example."

Sarah Palin: "Ya know, what Katie asked was nothing more than gotcha journalism by the lame stream media, and I resent it!"
by dookeyboy November 19, 2010
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1. To dump a chick with whom you are fed up.

2. To leave a place or hangout (usually in a huff or quickly) because it's lame or has become tiresome.
1. Man, I'm sick her drama, yo! I'm 'bout to 86 this bitch when I talk to her ass again!

2. Marcus: "Man, da bouncer won't let me in da club 'cause he said my pants on da ground, yo!

Sean: "For realz, playa? That's whack! Let's 86 this bitch anyway, yo!"
by dookeyboy November 23, 2010
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The police, as pronounced by many Southerners, including the officers themselves in many instances.

Pronounced "POE lees."
Drug Dealer: "Officer, man... why you tase me, yo?!"

Officer: "I pulled out muh bullhorn and told you to stop back there 20 miles ago. What you 'spect when you runnin' from da poelice anyway?"
by dookeyboy January 7, 2011
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a crybaby loser pussy-type who needs to grow some cajones and start acting like a man
Billy: "Dude, I can't get Ronnie to play tackle football with us 'cause he's too afraid of getting hit."

Jimmy: "It doesn't surprise me, he's always been a fuckin' jackwagon anyway."
by dookeyboy November 22, 2010
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A portmanteau of the words "correspond" and "rendezvous," which is essentially just the planning in advance of a sexting or mushy facebooking session by two lovers.
Kara: Oh applecake, you are my world! Hopefully we'll meet in our dreams tonight!

Marcus: Yes, baby. Hopefully. But either way, let's correspondezvous tomorrow at 8:00 AM on facebook, k? Love you sugar dumpling!
by dookeyboy October 9, 2011
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A typically delusional state of mind of wannabe politicians who wish to test the waters and gauge a run for President of the United States.

While in this realm these folks typically make frequent trips to early primary/caucus states such as Iowa and New Hampshire, and appear frequently on the glass house Faux News network to espouse their beliefs and cast stones at the current Administration.
Most of Sarah Palin's supporters rode in a crusty old yellow cheese bus to her last political rally in WannaBePresidentVille.
by dookeyboy January 20, 2011
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A politician who becomes monstrously notorious or infamous, usually for their outrageously controversial behavior or ridiculously bombastic statements. Once the resulting monster is unleashed, the media usually has a field day with it and even the powers-that-be seemingly cannot regain control of it and make it go away.
Sarah Palin and Rod Blagojevich are probably the two biggest Political Frankensteins of the past couple years.
by dookeyboy January 11, 2011
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