ever since

from that time onwards
she wanted to become a doctor ever since she was young.
by catherene April 4, 2017
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ever since martha left

*sobbing uncontrollably*
I cant take it anymore ever since martha left *sobbing uncontrollably* *gun shot* boom
by lord of shredded cheese June 27, 2020
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An expression meaning: Wow, that is really, really gay.

Said by Master Shake.
Master Shake: That is the gayest thing I have ever seen since gay went to gay town!
by Artifishalfish November 3, 2006
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When someone releases a product (example: music) and someone states that someone who's known as being good at producing a product of that type (example: Eminem) has been real quiet ever since it dropped, meaning that the product was so good that it sent someone who is known to be good at it was silenced at it's greatness.
Person 1: *makes a really good rap song.*
Person 2: you know, _ been real quiet ever since this dropped. (Insert a really good rapper on the _)
by Scarfkat June 5, 2024
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