90 definitions by allison

A woman other than his wife with whom a married man has an ongoing sexual relationship
by allison July 15, 2003
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a breakdown in which you yell out many cusswords and insult someone's mother.
After I threw the toy at my brother, he had a spunism.
by allison February 4, 2005
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someone having a wet dream of a girl 7 years younger than you is bisque
by allison April 24, 2004
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n. a person who is in a constant state of being high. when not high this person can often be found "drunkey", sleeping, or craving to do one of the latter. usually these people are quite tall. Synonymns: Goo Goo Muneca, E.E. Doll, Snoop Dogg, etc...
That Adri girl does nothing but sleep till 3pm, at which time she cracks open her first beer, and smokes till passing out.
by allison February 14, 2003
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A female slut; one who does dirty things with boys and denies it later. Often used in succession with the words "gangsta" and "wanksta".
Jenny is a big skansta; she does naughty things with Daniel and then counts months on her knuckles. I think Jenny the skansta should wear a shirt that says "I'm a skansta" so people will know and stay away.
by allison March 16, 2003
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All Floridians are sick bastards !!! Those people are best avoided !!!
by allison April 11, 2004
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