90 definitions by Allison

What I used to think they were saying on the Men In Black song.Instead of Men In Black i thought they were saying Ninnypies
Here come the ninnypies
by Allison August 30, 2004
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Dude! If You Fuckin Think That These Jelly Braceletz Are Really "Sex Braceltz" Then Your Pretty Immature! I'm 15 And I Go To Rogerz High School And Yez I Am A Punk/Goth Girl And I Do Wear Those Braceletz And NO They Do Not Stand For Anything Sex Related! They're Just A Fashion Statementz For Us Kidz!
One Day A Kid Came Up To Me And Snapped One Of My Black Braceletz Off And I Slapped Him Across The Face For Him Thinking I Waz Actually Going To Do Something With Him Because Of Those Damned Bracelets! Hey People! Listen To Us Kidz When We Say That They Are Not Sex Related! When Someone Lookz At Us And Givez Us A Dirty Look Because We Wear These Braceletz They Think Us Girlz Are Whorez And Slutz Because All You Immature Fuckz Make Us Look Like Them For Making Up These Stupid Fucking Meaningz For These God Damned Braceletz!!! GROW THE FUCK UP!!! Jeeze!!
by Allison September 7, 2004
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Refers to a drag queen's low quality wig. Very similar to the shine and texture of "My Little Pony's" mane and tail hair. Most likely purchased at the costume store 'Party City'.

May also be used with the phrase Pucci.
Look at that mess of a queen over there with that party city wig!

That's a shame.
by Allison January 4, 2005
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A place where you learn stuff that is useless.A complete waste of my time.
by Allison August 29, 2004
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The worst, most annoying "singer" on the planet Earth. Thinks she is "punk", but obviously isn't.

See poser

Once said "I'm like Sid Vicious for a new generation!!"

(and somewhere on earth poor Sid spins like a pinwheel in his grave)
Omg! 'm lyke sooo punk rawk!! I listen to Avril Lavinge!! OMG!!!
by Allison April 9, 2004
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Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday" Originally created in Mobile, Alabama but now made into amazing shit by New Orleans, Louisiana. Although Mardi Gras Day is the big day of celebration it is the days, or should we say nights, that are really celebrated. Random hookups, exposures of oneself, and complete and total memory loss and lack of judgement occur on these wondeful nights.
Only during Mardi Gras will you see a 12 year old smoking weed and a 10 year old drinking beer. BUt only in New Orleans are people actually use to it.
by Allison April 1, 2005
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