24 definitions by Suckmytoes_77

It's when your nose is really stuffy and you simultaneously blow air really hard through each nostril, which might be enough to blast snot from both of them at the same time, projecting a scattered tapestry of snot onto whatever you happened to be aiming you face at. It can also be done unintentionally, such as when you sneeze really hard and manage to cover your mouth but it gets diverted to your nose, spraying particles every which way. Regardless it's pretty disgusting so make sure you use a damn tissue next time or if you don't have one sneeze into your sleeve.
"Oh well that's gross. That guy just fired his double barrel SNOTgun at his desk and now there's boogers everywhere."

"I was sitting in class and this guy behind me blasted the back of my head with a double barrel SNOTgun. Guess that explains why my nose is feeling a little stuffy and I feel a cold coming on. ACHOO!"
by Suckmytoes_77 September 26, 2023
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An overweight person who blames skinny people for their problems. Often times they might choose to resent or even hate others, calling them skinny/scrawny, rather than acknowledging that their weight might be a health concern and taking steps to ensure that they'll live a healthy life by taking the right steps. They blame society and people they see as thin as the source of their problems, refusing to accept that maybe they should do something about their weight instead of just blaming everyone else. Of course there are times where one is unable to do anything about their weight despite their best efforts, but hating on others isn't the right answer. NOT EVERY OVERWEIGHT PERSON IS A THINCEL. IT'S ONLY THE ONES WHO BLAME SOCIETY AND THIN PEOPLE FOR THEIR WEIGHT PROBLEMS. PLEASE DON'T GO AROUND CALLING EVERYONE A THINCEL.
"Bro Betty is such a thincel. She acts like it's society's fault that she's overweight but whenever I offer to go to the gym with her or tell her to not eat so much junk food she glares at me and calls me a twig."
by Suckmytoes_77 November 14, 2022
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You >:)
Engineer: "You're ugly."
Sniper: "EUGH!"

(Engi starts dancing and clapping his hands between his legs)

Sniper: "heh!"

(Grabs engi and throws him into the abyss)

Mount Scout: "mhm"
Mount Soldier: "ooh!"
(Everything explodes)
by Suckmytoes_77 August 31, 2022
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