25 definitions by Suckmytoes_77

A movement for pathetic men to feel special about themselves. The idea itself comes from the matrix, where in the film taking the red pill means that you see the reality of life no matter how painful it is. In recent years a lot of internet personas (such as professional douchebag Andrew Tate) have used this philosophy as a cash cow to take advantage of the waves of fatherless virgins that make up the fanbase of red pill preachers. They often speak to their fanbase by claiming that by following their teachings, they will gain the successes they desire. The irony is that there's a rather obvious disconnect between the preachers and the followers of the red pill philosophy, to the point where it becomes painfully obvious to those not indoctrinated that it's a load of bologna used by those who preach this ideology in order to sell bogus online courses to their fans. Most often these courses will supposedly detail how to get money or get women to like you. However, if these losers actually wanted these things they'd be thinking for themselves (another irony, since red pill also encourages free thought) and wouldn't need advice from these scumbags. TLDR a movement for losers adopted by scammers to take advantage of said losers
"Bro Malcolm is such a loser. I hear he's one of those incels who watches that Andrew Tate guy."

"Ikr. What a red pill bootlicker"
by Suckmytoes_77 October 1, 2023
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A Hot Toddy is when some gives you a blowjob, but prior to doing so, they ingested something spicy, (like buffalo wings, for example). It hurts really bad, and you usually scream "HOT TODDY!" when it happens. It can also be when someone gives you a handjob after coming into contact with a sensitive-skin irritant, like chili flakes. Sometimes it's an accident, but sometimes they know it'll hurt you and they do it anyway to be a bad person.
Person 1: "Ok ready?"

by Suckmytoes_77 August 10, 2022
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A fancy way to replace an empty juul pod with a full one. Speed and style are usually key when doing a "tactijuul reload," with the goal in mind being to attract mates at a college party.
"That loser Justin tried to do a tactijuul reload at the frat party and dropped his pod in the punchbowl. What a tool."
by Suckmytoes_77 April 13, 2021
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A term used to describe something that is extremely unpleasant to the ears. Can be used to describe a really terrible song, a bad speech, an annoying voice etc. Sounds like it came out of someone's asshole
"I hate this song. The person singing it sounds like audible diarrhea."
by Suckmytoes_77 April 22, 2023
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Small nuggets of poop that are about the size of a small grape, and that usually come out one at a time. Named so due to their round shape and small size.
"Ayo some dumb fuck left backside beans in the urinal! What the actual f-"

"Honey! Someone left backside beans on our porch... AGAIN..."
by Suckmytoes_77 August 17, 2021
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When someone is piss pilled, it means that they are generally an angry person who is always pissed off, and will likely be miserable their whole lives due to their constant irritability. Dubbed piss pill because of the whole red pill/blue pill whatever pill concept of the matrix, but unlike the other pills, the piss pill makes it's users live a live of "pissful ignorance," or live a life where everything sucks and they're always pissed off.
Person 1: "Bro what's that guy's problem? Why is he such a jerk?"

Person 2: "Ah don't mind Ryan. He's always like that. He's Piss pilled."
by Suckmytoes_77 November 5, 2022
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When someone is referred to as "Piss pilled", it means that they're generally bitter, resentful, and often angry/upset at/towards others for no reason, or an irrational reason. They are called "Piss pilled" as a take on the 1999 film The Matrix, in which there is an option for the protagonist to take the red or blue pill, each with a different consequence. In recent years, red and blue pills have garnered more attention and relevance in popular Internet culture, as they have gained deeper meanings, and more pills have been made up. Too long didn't read, taking the Piss pill means that you have chosen to live a life of "pissful ignorance," or a life where you are always pissed off and everything sucks for you.
Person 1: "Why's that guy such an a-hole? I didn't even do anything and he flipped me off and told me to go f myself!"

Person 2: "Ah don't mind Brian. He's Piss pilled. It's nothing personal he's just a jerk to everyone."
by Suckmytoes_77 November 14, 2022
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