
Swelling of the abdominal region usually caused by a surplus of water in the body's system, certain types of food, constipation, or as a side effect of the ever dreaded period.
I can't wear any of my cute clothes this week because I'll look like a whale due to bloating.
by TheNerdyDancer February 9, 2014
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When you eat to much and your stomach gets big.
girl: I ate so much I am bloated
by xoxo gi May 31, 2019
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1) Crap.
2) A lie.
3) Used in computer science to describe crappy software. See also: bloatware.
My new computer was loaded with a whole batch of free-to-try software. I immediately remove that sort of bloat when I see it.
by qsdfghjklm September 14, 2008
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When someone eats a ton of food and their stomach expands
Scott had finished thanksgiving dinner with his dad.
He leaned back and bleached loudly before running his bloated stomach

stuffed food baby
by ethansawsome2002 June 15, 2016
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Used in computer terms to mean having way more features than you would ever use to the extent of slowing down the system
by Moe Dean March 18, 2004
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You wack it three times a day into a Kleenex tissue. You’re a fucking BLOAT, dude.
by tmor84 December 19, 2018
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Bloat means to eat or can be used as a noun, in the describing of any kind of food.

Derived from the word "bloated", which is, of course, the feeling that one gets once they've consumed a large amount of food.
"Yeah, bro...I just woke up from my nap. I'm gonna go grab some bloat and head over there."

"I'm so hungry. I gonna go get some bloat at Taco Bell."
by Chaseburgala November 2, 2009
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