7 definitions by FluffyMan20

To stroke your penis, causing you to ejaculate, now commonly referred to as fapping
Jim: Masturbation is a GREAT way to pleasure yourself
by FluffyMan20 January 27, 2016
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It refers to being pregnant
Harry: So, when are you guys gonna start having kids?

Freddy: We have one in the oven right now
by FluffyMan20 January 28, 2016
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1. A racist insult, commonly use by black people

2. A word mostly used by black people to refer to them as a friend
Tyrone: Look at that black ass nigger

Harold, the gangster: My nigga!
by FluffyMan20 January 27, 2016
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A sidechick is a women that you have a separate relationship with

Husband: She's my sidechick
by FluffyMan20 January 27, 2016
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A few plastic balls roped through each other and shoved up the anus
by FluffyMan20 January 27, 2016
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The combination between a shit, and a fart

Dave: Dude, what the hell was that?
Gorge: I think that may have been a shart
by FluffyMan20 January 27, 2016
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