by VocabInferno$$$ January 17, 2022
by sugzy April 12, 2007
An alien in the game Natural Selection. Can be rather irritating if you are on the opposing team of it. Has the ability to spit loogies of death, heal teamates and structures of it's kind, shoot out sacs filled with bile, and spin webs to catch intruders. not very capable at combat, Gorges are more adept to build and heal.
by Macman March 26, 2005
by paprikapickles February 15, 2020
A large, Smellt, Salty, Red, Gross, Tunaish, Vagina. Often a man can fit his head in one. Also, Most Girls In CT Have One.....
by MN, DD February 1, 2008
Big, badass gean-boosted monster from the Unreal Tournament series. He leads the Juggernaut team and at one point becomes champion.
"Gorge is more than just a survivor; he's a predator with a sweet tooth for suffering."
"Who needs a gun when you've got hands and teeth?"
"Who needs a gun when you've got hands and teeth?"
by Stryker November 20, 2004