449 definitions by Sarah

an uber lovely band who shouldnt be on fucking TRL or MTV because that station is for fucking posers who wanna be liek they would say "punk" when FOB isn't punk for sure!
poser-aww look fall out boys is on trl they are so punk.
me- omgosh shut the hell up you poser they are not punk they are emo and shouldnt be on trl!
by Sarah August 16, 2005
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A vaginal infection due to lack of female hygeine and excessive slutage.
The slut never used toilet paper and developed a yeast infection.
by Sarah April 6, 2003
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A fat ass with a dead mom who loves pudding.
lol, you fag, you're such a "the great ez!!"
by Sarah February 24, 2005
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The best friggen band ever. Bille Joe, Tre, and Mike are you rulers.
dude 1 - Holy shit...did you hear Green Day's new song?

dude 2 - Hell yeah, Green Dat kicks ass!
by Sarah January 9, 2004
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something that is on you foot and moves.
Hey i just moved my toe!
by Sarah March 20, 2005
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someone that is such a fuck up and waste of life that you cant even call them a cock... theyre a cock rag... a filthy rag used to wipe off a nasty cock
I can't believe that guy hasnt had a job in years... what a fuckin cock rag.
by Sarah January 31, 2005
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A person that isn't a retard, but acts like it.
"Hey, just because your retardified, it doesn't mean you should do less work!"
by Sarah March 21, 2004
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