The most Meanest lovable person you ever meet!
chumpness: gaaaaaaaaaaag!
by MissShirley May 22, 2009
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You chumps don't have a clue what this guy is up to.
by Light Joker April 21, 2005
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to be ripped off or to be make to look like a chump.
syn gypped
"Man, I got chumped by that scam artist"
by crappo July 17, 2005
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'Chumping' is gathering wood for Bonfire Night.
Come on, it's Bonnie Night next week. Let's go chumping.
by Gulftastic September 16, 2015
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A sucka that tries to act cool, but is really a fool and tries to act tough, but really isn't
1.Person who says they have a million dollars but is really poor. 2.Person who says they kill you with a gun, but the only gun they have is a plastic one.
by Mike November 4, 2003
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Getting dumped for a chump. It's when you're friends with some chick who you hang out with or whatever, who then starts dating some other chump and never talks to you ever again. This leaves you sitting there on a cold leather couch in your underwear playing Wii bowling, drinking stale MGD, and wondering where the hell your friends are. Then after thinking about it, you come to two logical conclusions:

1. The chick totally had a thing for you. Now that she has a boyfriend, she no longer has use for any other guys she wanted to bang. But in the end, you ended up on top because of #2 (see below):
2. The guy she's dating is totally gay and will probably end up beating her out of frustration.

Hey, you handsome hunk of man meat, weren't you supposed to hang out with Helga tonight?

No, she totally chumped me.
by cokemidget July 11, 2008
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to bust on someone so that they have nothing to say afterwards.
I chumped you.
by cool cat 131 June 28, 2003
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