1)someone who is half japanese, half caucasion
this is NOT a derogatory term, despite popular belief
said person can be perfectly nice, hot, and cool
2) derogatory form of the word
means a caucasion who is obsessed with Japanese stuff
1) Ryan's coming. You know, the Wapanese who's mom is from Japan but his dads from England? He's so hot!
2) Man, JJ is such a Wapanese. All he does it watch anime and look at manga!
by OhBurnIWin February 11, 2006
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Contrary to popular belief, watching anime or reading manga does not make a wapanese. A wapanese s a person who takes it to that level where people look at them and feel a rising urge to punch them.

What they are: Mostly caucasians, that believe by watching untranslated japanese cartoons (anime), eating nothing but asian junk food they can buy online (Pocky, assorted ramen and mountains of sweets) and in short, grabbing anything with the slightest trace of Japan, and in turn shunning all western items, believing them to be inferior. A wapanese is a wannabe Japanese person. Often they know little to nothing about Japan (only what they've read), but hold a belief that it is the best country in the world, and harbour deep ambitions about living there, despite being unemployed and living with their parents.

What they think: That if indeed they did imigrate to Japan, they would be adored and revered and have women fawning over them. Unlikely, as they are generally vastly annoying (And annoyingly vast). Aso they believe that merely by watching Naruto, they can become Ninja.

Habitat: You will generally meet a lot of cool people at anime conventions, who's lives are not ruled by the going on of Tokyo Mew mew etc. but you can always spot the wapanese being a loud, disagreeable asshole, telling british artists that their drawings are not "TRUE MANGA", because they are not japanese. Also noticeable by the dreadful cardboard cosplay, that is drooping and randomly patched with tinfoil.

What they could wear: Horrible tight T-shirts with japanese symbols that they don't understand (it could say 'KICK ME' for all they know.), or worse : Hello Kitty, who is in fact a british creation! Or the afore-mentioned cosplay.

In closing, anime and manga are fine, as long as you don't just love the japanese element. I like all comics, and animation. I don't care where it came from! Wapanese give anime fans a bad name, so shame on them!
Wapanese: Deep down in my heart, I just know I was meant to be born Japanese.
NormalDude: What gives you that idea.
Wapanese: They are just the greatest people ever. I have such a deep connection.
NormalDude: No you haven't.
Wapanese: I entirely do! Check out my Hello Kitty tattoo! Kawaii, huh?
NormalDude: Hello Kitty's english, man.
*Wapanese screams and heads for nearest lasering facility*
by PearGirl August 27, 2007
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Note that this does not apply to ALL anime fans, but definately a good portion of them.

An anime fan who does the following.

a) Calls themself an Otaku and thinks that makes them better than everyone else, not realizing that in Japan it is an insult. If they do it to make fun of themselves, it's fine.

b) Thinks they know everything about Japanese culture just from watching anime and reading manga, when in reality, they know jack shit about it.

c) Thinks they're superior because they've seen more anime than the stuff on Cartoon Network.

d) Thinks that if they go to Japan they'll be accepted do to their intense love of anime, even though in Japanese culture, people who adore anime that much are seen as losers. Not to mention, doesn't realize that Japanese society is not generally that fond of Americans.

e) Thinks that America is totally inferior to Japan, even if they have never been there.

f) Thinks they know a ton of Japanse from watching subbed anime, even if they can only name a few words.
Jesus, Christ! Maddie's become more Wapanese than Gwen Stefani!
by Hebi August 28, 2007
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Hey! Let's get this evolving definition up to date, or a bit more accurate. Don't know how it began, but these days there are wapanese all over the place, not just among the white people of the world. They are to be seen throughout Asia, Southeast Asia, with some even in Africa. And some of them, unfortunately, do actually make their way to Japan, although as hinted elsewhere usually not through any real work or effort of their own--but there are means, one of which is indicated in the Example section, below. (Please don't tell any wapanese about it; there are already too many of them in Japan.)

Wapanese - Japanese wannabe, as in "I wannabe Japanese, 'cause it's subarashii!" A member of a small, spreading subculture, usually someone with only the most superficial, shallow-minded concept of Japan and her culture and language, who decides that it is somehow something to be worshipped, and proceeds to do so by way of the to-be-expected most shallow and silly means, e.g., using language sprinkled with Japanese pop culture words, eating, displaying and talking about Pocky and other Japanese junk food, doing Japanese cutesy girls cosplay, wearing ridiculous makeup in imitation of faddish Japanese girls intentionally wearing ridiculous makeup in order to identify with a certain mod-like, drifting, anti-authoritarian, hedonistic, morally compassless, often suicidal youth subculture, imitation of the Japanese imitation of gangsta baggy clothing, obsessed with the shallowest, most empty-headed anime such as Pokemon and very superficially with subjects such as ninja or Japanese calligraphy or martial arts. It should be noted that wapanese are not Japanophiles in the true sense, in that they do not actually study anything or bother to acquire any depth of knowledge about things Japanese. Wapanese are more shallow dabblers and voyeurs. Japanophiles can be a nuisance breed, too, and sometimes dreamy voyeurs, but they are different, usually immersing themselves headlong into one or more aspects of Japanese culture, sometimes losing themselves in it. The Japanohpile may become a professor or a Japanese language or martial arts teacher; the wapanese probably will never amount to anything, because the wapaneseness is just a symptom of his or her drifting cluelessness.
One Japanese school teacher to another: That new ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) is just one more immature, clueless wapanese that Monbusho (the Education Ministry) has sent us. I wish they would hire qualified EFL teachers for a change.
by Rick Hayhoe June 19, 2006
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Wannabe Japanese. NOT "white japanese" or anything like that, WANNABE JAPANESE.
This definition doesn't only pertain to white people, idiots. Stop being racist.
by Arch0wl July 8, 2005
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A non-Japanese person who has developed a severe affection for Japanese exported popular cultural items, particularly anime, snack foods, toys, video games, and other mass-produced trinkets (while caring little about Japan as a nation or as a people). Such fans are typically young white Americans, which led them to be labeled with this decidedly racially-charged nickname. Although extremely irritating, they are ultimately harmless, as few become proficient enough in the actual Japanese language to actually travel to Japan to become Janks, McSenseis, or etc. The average "Wapanese" should only be given the same weight as that of the Radiohead fan, or similar follower of middle-America strobe-flash trends.
To a Wapanese, a box of Pocky chocolate sticks is high cuisine from an alien planet that should be carried around prominiently in the webbing of their rucksacks for all the world to see, rather than a cheap box of oversweet junk food.
by The 2-Belo December 2, 2003
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Wapanese, to some people, would mean something like "a white person acting like Japanese", but I come from a country where there are also a growing number of people who mindlessly worship Japan and anything Japanese, to the point of downgrading and hating altogether their point of origin.

Let's just say that "Wapanese" are "Wannabe Japanese"

What marks a Wapanese from other people? Non-Japanese people who watch anime, read manga and study Japanese culture and language are not Wapanese. Now, let us define this scourge of the modern world, shall we?

Wapanese are people who:

1. Are obsessed to a mentally unstable level with anything connected with Japan, like the Japanese language, Japanese customs, and Japanese cultural fads to the point that they smother themselves with these in order to bury their own origins. For example, a person named "Maria Punzalan", in an attempt to become Japanese, would actually use a Japanese-inspired pseudonym in her fanfics or her shitty art, like "Sakuranomiya Seijunomita". Urgh. How pathetic.

2. They believe that Japan is the best country that the world has ever seen. They don't care that Japan views their people If they could, they would shed of their identities and scrape off their skin and names just to be Japanese. A person named John Robert dela Cruz would hate to be named such and would rather be a Japanese high school student named Keitaro Something Miaymoto. And surrounded with girls.

3. The artists among their kind are EXTRAORDINARILY CLOSE-MINDED about other kinds of art. In Deviantart, there are people who make up second rate imitations of manga who dislike other forms of illustration. If a group of these turds come from, say, a country with a long tradition of comics, they would loathe their native works to no end, snub them and then exalt their chosen manga idols.

4. Do they know anything about Japan, really? No. They may listen to asinine J-pop songs that endlessly moan about love and pink hearted matters, they may pepper their conversations with "shonen-ai", "kawaii" and "ganbare", they may fill their typed words with retarded emoticons like "^_^", and they may make second rate manga art with storylines ripped from some CLAMPmanga, but THEY ARE IGNORANT about Japanese history, as they are apathetic about their own origins. I have never encountered a Wapanese fangirl who can name Japan's first emperor.

5. They have also unhealthy obsessions with supposedly handsome anime characters that resemble chopsticks painted with faces. They do such in a toxic level that other people who see that they worship some bony asshat drawn on paper would vomit to death.

6. And last but not the least, they act as if they are some bastard mixture of Card Captor Sakura and Inuyasha. They do a lot of mannerisms that resemble those of anime characters, like pouting when they are upset, or making those strange purring noises they think are cute (they've picked up those from anime characters). They could not come to think that those mannerisms, though cute to some, are uttely irritating.
Could we stage a riot against these Wapanese?
by Brown A. Laquindanum September 20, 2006
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