Sorry but I am really drunk right now. The Jim Beam apple cider. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA making me drunk.
I’m drunk and I apologize but I got into the bourbon and I could not help myself
by WorseThanHitler March 17, 2021
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Someone who drinks and gets sleepy soon after.
Maigge was dizzy drunk last night that we had to grab an Uber to put her to bed .
by Rv_skiller November 6, 2022
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Being drunk with friends while socializing via video chat, especially when video chat is the only way to be together.
The shelter-in-place order has been extended another 4 weeks. Want to play games over Zoom and get e-drunk?
by neonScarecrow March 30, 2020
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When your drunk turns into a toddler and makes inappropriate sexual references.
All my female colleagues at work won’t talk to me because I got Steve drunk at the Holiday party.
by leesah December 21, 2017
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A) everything, like all posts, on Twitter right now
B) your posts on Twitter that you create while craft and bail
First of all get of drunk Twitter definition b); Twitter and alcohol are not a food combination. Now be suspicious of everything you see on Twitter because of drunk Twitter definition a); it looks like everything that was twitterposed was composed by drunk people.
by Sexydimma April 9, 2022
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The boys are badgering you to go out and drink but you’re tired or just don’t feel like going out. So you finally decide you’ll go and just have maybe one or two drinks and leave at 11... then you find yourself at 4 am 30 beers deep trying to rally the troops for another game of flip cup.
I had the self control to only bring 2 beers... until chad got me sneaky drunk pouring shots and sending beers my way all night insisting me to keep drinking his dad’s booze
by Schwhitey November 26, 2020
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The boys are badgering you to go out and drink but you’re tired or just don’t feel like going out. So you finally decide you’ll go and just have maybe one or two drinks and leave at 11... then you find yourself at 4 am 30 beers deep trying to rally the troops for another game of flip cup.
I had the self control to only bring 2 beers... until I found myself sneaky drunk off a bottle of wine the boys threw my way.
by Schwhitey November 26, 2020
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