154 definitions by t

When your dog's arse gets itchy, usually after it drops a load, and then it drags its arse on the ground by its front legs.
I laugh my butt off when my dog does the butt skootin' boogie.
by t June 29, 2004
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The dumbest person to ever live.
Our piece of shit president just bombed another country and unemployment is as high as ever. He sure is dumb
by t February 21, 2005
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1.Agreeing that you are on crack
2.Hinting that you are on crack
3. Just acting fooked up
by t September 22, 2003
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A person, usually a crack dealer, who is tricked in to working or getting stuff for another for free.
ex woah..tried like a baser!
by t January 2, 2004
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when a guy blows his load before a chick even touches him.
by t February 19, 2003
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Girl........I was so dusted last night, I don't even know have I drove home.
by t May 13, 2004
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Obnoxiously large vagina lips.
She has humungous baloney flaps.
by t July 15, 2004
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