154 definitions by t

Block of Cartoons for the older crowd.
Was much much Better when they just had the old people getting into the pool as bumps instead of nonsensical BS that nobody feels like reading.
by t December 8, 2004
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frequently used as the generation identifier of the Toyota Supra; MkIV Toyota Supra with the 3.0 DOHC 2JZGE/2JZGTE engine
by t May 27, 2004
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a delicious mix of nuts and candy
I decided to have some nutbox to get over the mid-afternoon slump!
by t March 11, 2005
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a cylindrical, clear-glass receptacle used to house and dispense nutbox
And here is the pantry, complete with refrigerator, microwave, toaster and nutbox.
by t April 5, 2005
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unit of currency used to purchase nutbox, generally equivalent to $0.25
Wow, I found 5 bucks in my pocket! That's TWENTY nutboxes!!!
by t April 6, 2005
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stands for "very"
i have to shizzle vizzle bizzle - i have to go to the restroom very badly
by t June 20, 2003
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My mom called me a faparous after she caught me jizzing all over the cat.
by t March 26, 2004
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