154 definitions by t

Like a Camero.

Bitchin Camero
Bitchin Camero
by t February 13, 2004
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could be the worst effing thing in the universe.. to barely even noticing. in reference to a drug wearing off.. meth, weed, heroin, coke.. you name it.
ahh shit.. i'm coming down!
by t May 7, 2005
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A whiney crying ass lil sissy bitch
ahhhhh whaaaaa why do i have to be the Biatch
by t August 31, 2003
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Excitment. Another word for sweet! Awesome! Is used a lot in the anime Dragon Half.
by t May 18, 2006
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I found a wheel of cheese in the street and took it home. My wife asked me what type of cheese what is, I said Nacho Cheese. She asked how I knew that. I said it was because a man was running down the street yelling, 'thats Nacho cheese, thats nacho cheese'.
by t February 13, 2004
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A person who is trying to scam you for cash (not a "thief" who will just take the money, or "scam artist" who is trying to scam you out of more than money), usually in a setting involving a transaction that would normally be no big deal
"That chisler tried to raise the price from $15 a bag to $40 after I came out to meet him!"
by t March 28, 2005
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expressing to a boy that he, or his behavior, does not meet your high standards; showing the hand.
Ian was a mean retard so Melissa flipped him the queen.
by t March 16, 2005
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