95 definitions by magickdio

Sitting on leather seats with bare skin on a hot day is asking for trouble. When you attempt to rise from the seat, you have to rip your skin from the surface that it has practically merged with, thus giving yourself a painful Leather Flaying experience. If you're lucky, you won't have made full body contact. Having sex on a leather sofa is a big mistake. 50% of the gasps and moans will be of pain as you tear your body away, leaving 6 layers of skin behind.
"Your back looks all sunburnt, Jim"
"It's not, I was shagging Vicky on the sofa and got a serious leather flaying"
by magickdio March 7, 2010
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The standard response when you still don't understand what has been explained to you, but simply cannot tolerate any more of the conversation. It must be used sparingly however, as overuse of "Ah, I see" will lead them to enquire as to what it is that you "see", and then you're fucked.

The sarcastic response for when the information that someone expects you to understand is so vastly complicated and pointless that you could slap them out of sheer frustration. Usually said with more emphasis on the "see" part of the phrase.
Man- ".....and those are the differences between multi-port fuel injection and throttle body fuel injection"
Woman- "Ah, I see"

Woman- ".....and that's how I know that you did what you did and said what you said on monday night, because Gemma said that Rachel said that Alan said that Dan said that he knew someone who saw you there!!"

Man- "Ah, I see"
by magickdio February 21, 2010
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Descriptive term for the first part of a sexual relationship.

Bang drunkeness is easily to spot. You don't care about anything but the crotch of your "love" and you will cancel plans, stand up friends, miss work, birthday parties, meals and social interaction with other human beings. You spend your time balls deep. And you don't give a toss about anything except banging the hell out of your "love"

You tend to sober up when they start talking about other things and telling you their useless opinions.
"Where's Geoff?? We rescheduled this on his say so and he's not here!"

"With Rose I bet. The guy is totally bang drunk"
by magickdio September 28, 2011
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An act that's both devilish and delicious at the same time. Such as getting your own back on someone by coating their face in superglue and rice krispies whilst they are sleeping. Evil, yes, but soooo worth it.
"She cried when she saw she had no eyebrows, but that just made it even more devilicious! HA! Bitch"
by magickdio March 2, 2010
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A guy who always tries to get the same girls as you, and often manages. Your sexual histories contain a lot of the same names, and you hate and fear one another, yet oddly respect your equal potential for ho wrangling. If you ever encounter one another at a urinal, you will both sneakily try to glimpse each other's equipment, to assess the enemy's capabilities. You will never again talk to female friends who bed your rival.

You should never engage in a threesome with your dick enemy, no matter how hot the girl is, as you would likely half kill her through your mutual need to prove yourself the best, and then end up almost killing one another in a fight.
You can't shag Lewis, he's Rosco's dick enemy- he'll never talk to you again
by magickdio August 20, 2010
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A serious outburst of unexpected and completely over the top rage. This style of hissy fit was made famous by former No. 1 ranking professional tennis player, John McEnroe, hence the name. To qualify as an episode of McEnrage, it has to happen in public, with witnesses. (That is not to say that Mr McEnroe did not throw his toys out of the pram in private, simply that we do not know if this is the case.) McEnrage can be a classic, all out, red in the face, foaming at the mouth screech fest, or it can be a much less dramatic thing, but with the inclusion of the phrase, "You cannot be SERIOUS!!"
"Why is Jez outside, chain smoking and pacing?"
"Oh my God, you totally missed it! Dude, it was insane. We got to the window and the woman said they were sold out. Instead of getting tickets to the next showing like the rest of us, he just flipped! Started screaming "You cannot be SERIOUS!!" and smacking his hands against that plastic window, swearing and demanding that he be found a seat immediately. That's his spit they're cleaning off the window now!"
"Jesus, proper McEnrage then!"
"Yeah. Fucking Jez, I don't reckon we'll ever be allowed back here now."
by magickdio May 4, 2012
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someone who is otherwise unemployed, and spends their entire waking life trawling the internet for free pornography.
"Since Gary lost his job, he has become a full time Internet Explorer"

"Don't be an internet explorer all your life. Get some real sex"
by magickdio February 6, 2010
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