173 definitions by kate

Leader of the dark side and controller of all that is evil. In Star Wars he was known as the Emporer while George Bush was called Darth Vadar.
If you challenge Bush, Karl Rove will shoot you with bolts of electricity from his fingers.
by kate November 22, 2004
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a red headed individual moving by any of the following forms of transportation: bicycle, rollerblades/skates, or skateboard
My great-grandmother suffered a massive concussion following her unexpected collision with the wild frotch on wheels.
by kate November 10, 2004
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1)A replacement of "no shit" or "duh"

2)An expression showing that something someone said is obvious
Liz: Katy definitly likes Brad.
Jamie: Well, dur! She sent him 3 love letters!

Jackie: What's the capital of Wyoming?
Doug: Jackie, we just learned that in class today. You can figure it out.
Jackie: Uhm...Cheyenne?
Doug: Dur.
by kate June 22, 2004
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Combination of Abortionist + Butcher.

A person who kills unborn children and occasionally Botches the dirty deed, injuring and scarring the woman patient, sometimes causing her permanent infertility.
That abortcher needs to realize his actions are simply murder.
by kate January 22, 2005
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My mothers ex best friend, who fucked her daughter in law and stabbed her in the back. Et tu, Brutus! She spent half her life giving him things, taking him to England, and generally treating him like her son, before he decided to follow his dick like the arsehole he is.
Shaun, you're an arsehole, mate.
by kate March 11, 2004
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dave: a guy thats funny, wierd at times but is so fun to talk to for ever online. You can trustim but whatout! hes dangerously sexy
by kate April 14, 2005
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