173 definitions by Kate

a drug, heroin. buying a pizza with pepperoni really means buying heroin.
i want my pizza with some pepperoni.
by Kate October 25, 2004
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a group of ppl who really really love a band and decide to promote it on their own time and they reep the benifits-- bombs away baby
by Kate March 8, 2005
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An authority figure who takes pleasure in tormenting his/her underlings.
My devil boss hit on me again today.
by Kate November 22, 2004
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the most handsome wizard to ever draw his wand to the forces of evil, with a dashing smile and a rougish wink.
harry potter and the chamber of secrets, his band "AUF GILDY"
by Kate January 2, 2004
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If your girl starts to acting up break up with her.
by Kate February 3, 2004
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1.:the pimp in the best brothel in town
2.:husband of madame nipples and daddy of the 'hos
Those 'hos are sooo Jazzo's!
by Kate February 28, 2005
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Some guy who thinks so highly of himself, that he added his name to UrbanDictionary.
Someone else expressing such narcisism.
You're almost as conceeded as tartarus
by Kate July 14, 2004
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