A word idiots use instead of using "imply".
Guy 1: Are you inferring that i'm fat?
Guy 2: Its IMPLY! say it properly fatty.
by Bessybossman June 22, 2010
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to make an inferance or to make a statement that may or may not be true but was based on evidence collected or observations
The scientist inferred that depriving certain plants of water resulted in increased root development.
by ValerieLou September 16, 2006
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An inference is the term given to a statement that may not be true, but was based on evidence collected.
The opposition lawyer inferred that the man had stolen the shoes as all evidence pointed towards this being the case.
by Katherine April 6, 2003
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When you see through that one gal’s clothes
by That Kemptville Guy February 6, 2021
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I can only know for certain what I am overtly told is true. Everything else must be inferred.
Hym "Though, I am the prince of inference."
by Hym Iam July 23, 2023
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Hey! Look at that! A.I. can craft pictures as you're writing the propt!
Hym "It's almost like they taught it inference! It can deduce what you're about to propt by way of inference! It didn't do that before! And now it does! So weird! Who came up with THAT idea? What a mystery! They still don't understand WHY it works that was but it's smarter now..."
by Hym Iam May 6, 2024
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