40 definitions by hakko

Hakko: "outta my way hephalump"
Hephalump: "society accepts fattys now"
Hakko: "well i dont"
*kicks hephalump in the face*
by hakko November 21, 2004
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the result when sperm and cheese are mixed together
"ill have the large double speese burger"
by hakko December 21, 2003
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"i caught gary croning james last night"
by hakko December 21, 2003
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an anus which has been buttfucked to the limit and cum is dripping out of it
"oh no whenever i fart my pants get wet"
by hakko December 14, 2003
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similar to beef curtains except cut off from the orginal host and far more delicous
"fuck i could go for a helping of beef right about now"

"im going to have a beef feast later"

"omg get that beef outta here"
by hakko December 13, 2003
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all the evil in the world combined into one being which brings people to tears just by talking to them on AIM
LoboParamilitary(8:00:47 PM): fuck your a loser penis

Jon Penis (8:01:34 PM): i no waaaaaaaa! Juji!!! LMAOROLFLOLOLOL!!!!!!!! im gay!
by hakko February 10, 2004
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that weird norwegian guy?
"shaddapa your mouth" - poboom
by hakko April 15, 2004
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