
Another way of swearing on your mums life
Person A: 'Hey, did you get with my girl last night?'
Person B: 'Nah you're my mate, that'd be peak'
Person A: 'Say mums'
Person B: 'Mums'
Person A: 'Alright, safe g'
by Mtannn March 15, 2019
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"That test mums."
"That test was insignificant."
by Whit Smith February 6, 2005
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To describe something that taste good. Often said while eating something delicious.
Mums! I really like this pie!
by caarla September 7, 2009
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The British, Australian, New Zealand and South African equivalent to the American and Canadian Mom.

And all this argument about the correct way to spell it is nonsense. Why would you bother fighting about the right way to spell Mum/Mom, cheque/check or fiord/fjord? It's neither here nor there. And certainly saying it was Mum first isn't going to bring about a nation-wide reform on it's spelling in America, now, is it?
"Sorry, can't come over, my Mum said 'no'."
by Viktorya Croire April 30, 2008
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A word americans don't know how to spell

Also townies use the phrase 'your mum' as an insult
by AAA July 16, 2004
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A term that equals mom in british.
Ron Weasley: But mum!
by Anila June 28, 2005
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1. A British form of the word 'mom'

2. Means to keep quiet (also British)
1. Did you call your mum yet?

2. Keep mum and we won't get in trouble.
by Simply Spiffing January 13, 2007
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