
Anything conducted on a small scale, with a very low standard, such as a village fair.
"This pub is completely village."
by Robert McQueen October 20, 2005
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'Village' is a term used by cricketers (predominantly in England) to refer to either:
a) A very poor cricket team/opposition
b) The literal meaning. A team from outside of major city areas (local teams or non league teams)
c) Can also be used in describing certain types of agricultural shots played by batsman or certain types of bowling, usually slow and slower!
d) Has even been known to refer to certain types of cricket gear (cricket pads with buckles, or a cricketer wearing black socks etc)
"That Team/shot/bowling is/was absolutely Village!!"
by Glen Mian January 31, 2008
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A small town, larger than a hamlet and usually containing between 100 and 2000 people. The population may go up or down depending on the population of surrounding areas.

Also a term used to describe the East or Greenwich Village on southeastern Manhattan Island, or for that matter, any semi-self contained community within the dense fabric of a much larger city.
South Park is a semi-ficticious village in thestate of Colorado complete with a commercial/shopping district or main street, As is Dancing Rabbit, a growing eco-villiage in Missouri.
by Miskatonic Jack 2 December 26, 2006
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the equivalence to "ghetto"
"omg! dude why are you wearing that shirt from dollar general thats so village"
by toastyb March 19, 2010
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country boy who knows nothing bout cities- eg never been on a bus before, and lives in the middle of a cabbage field

"Your so village"
by Mattuk November 10, 2003
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Village: One with a lack of knowledge regarding city life, the bus system, common sense or anything that can't be simulated in Everquest.
Prone to spontaneous outbursts about cabbages, Everquest or some minor injury he picked up whilst braving the sunlight beyond his room.
by Mike November 11, 2003
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A tiny town, the people are called villagers
by Idiotic Gaming June 19, 2019
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