455 definitions by brian


Damn Alan, why do always screw everything up. You are such a boosher.
by brian April 19, 2005
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1. The Act of getting Sexy.
2. The process of getting ready to impress the ladies.
"I will be right back, I have to go sexify myself for this evening."
by brian March 29, 2005
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Slang term for cigarette, or "to smoke"
"Pass me a gwardo."

"Let's go gwardo on the porch."
by brian October 17, 2003
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taco fest

when a whole bunch of guys get together at someones house and eat a bunch of taco bell tacos until they develop explosive diarrhea
Last night we had a huge taco fest, and i crapped my pants multiple times.
by brian October 30, 2004
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Philadelphia is a dump. The people are douchebags and no one in the city knows how to drive a car at all. There is garbage everywhere and ANYWHERE in the city I go I gotta watch my back for fear of getting mugged. There is nothing to do except go to bars and get in fights with the disgusting locals. And all those places above dubya said are originally from New Jersey, Except Yuengling, and Rita's blows anyway. You might as well yat an ice cude died with food coloring. Its a dump like I said.
Philadelphia is a wanna be New York, except with ALOT more black people. Lets move to Jersey.
by brian March 4, 2004
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Woop Woop

The noise made when you have the walkin farts to cover the embarrassing sounds excreated by the poop cutter.
"Woop Woop Woop Woop....."
"Damnit Granma you got the walkin farts again?"
by brian March 7, 2005
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short for on the down low. meaning a brotha is secretly looking for have sex with another dude
DL brotha here lookin to freak wit a hot dude.
by brian January 23, 2005
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