39 definitions by Tikibarberfan

The only show in the history of man where you have to watch it to get the funniness of the jokes.
Kramer: Hey you want a Junior Mint?
Jerry: No I'm good.
Kramer: C'mon they're chocolatey and refreshing. They're delicious!
Jerry: No!
Kramer: (hands one to Jerry and it falls into guy getting operated on).

That joke might not have seemed funny here, but if you watch it you'll laugh your fucking ass off. It's the perfect example of a Seinfeld joke.
by Tikibarberfan March 19, 2010
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When I was a baby I was suckin on titties
Now that I'm older still suckin on titties
Different titties- but titties nonetheless
First thing I do when a girl undress
by Tikibarberfan July 28, 2010
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How I say "fuck" on FaceBook so I don't get in trouble.
You killed my girlfriend, ground her into chili and then fed that chili to me?!!? Phuck you!
by Tikibarberfan February 1, 2010
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1. A band that some of my friends like. It's main appeal to them is that no one's heard of it.

2. See: Vagina
1. My friend: Have you heard the new Passion Pit?
Me and 90% of the world: What the fuck is Passion Pit?

2. Bob nailed Susie in the Passion Pit until she cried.
by Tikibarberfan February 2, 2010
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One of the few words in the English language that is actually spelled the way it sounds.
Too bad that "cum" will never be a spelling bee word.
by Tikibarberfan February 9, 2010
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When you're about to make a flirty, kind of douchey comment (aka making pass) and your conscience interferes.
I was gonna tell her she was hot like a volcano taco, but then I experienced pass interference.
by Tikibarberfan March 2, 2010
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When your about to make a douchey flirty comment with a girl (aka making pass) and your conscience interferes.
I was about to tell her she was hot like a volcano taco, but then I experienced pass interference.
by Tikibarberfan March 2, 2010
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