
12 months of complete Hell and fuckery
OMFG~last year was a complete & total Disaster!!
by Starchylde June 14, 2015
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a period of three hundered and sixty five dissapointments
mate, what did you do this year?

killed myself, like a trooh grafta
by Coombs June 13, 2007
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A year is a long period time which consists of 365 days, or on leap years, 366.

It can also be used to signify how much time in school or work you spent.

100 years make a century.
A: How long have you been working here?
B: Oh, around 8 years.
by xxYuli June 24, 2006
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Years and Years

A British/Australian electronica trio founded in London consisting of members Olly Alexander (Frontman singer voice of an angel), Emre Turkmen (Synth player) and Mikey Goldsworthy (Bassist).
Their music has been described as electropop, mixing R&B and '90s house elements, with Flying Lotus, Diplo, Radiohead and Jai Paul being their core influences. Each and every song is appealing in a different way and have I mentioned how incredible Olly Alexander's voice is? Its pretty incredible.
Person one- Have you heard Years and Years' new song 'King'? Its amazing!
Person two- Yes! my favourite is 'Real'! I have it playing all the time!
Person one- Their music is so majestic!
by Trxen April 15, 2015
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1. Multiple numbers of years.

2. To talk about year in the past, and say that was years ago.

3. The word year pruralized
Man how the years pass by.
by Yester January 9, 2006
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The average time the urban dictionary takes to publish a definition that has been submitted.
I submitted the definition of year a year ago. They published it today! I'm so happy!!
by masterblaster01 March 31, 2018
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12 months of absolute hell and fuckery
TV: -Ball drops-
Everyone: WOOT WOOT ET IS YEAR 2014
Person 1: -sarcastic- yay, another 12 months of fuckery and hell
by EnderWright December 28, 2013
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