45 definitions by The Wog Whomper
A small wooden structure that serves in lieu of a commode, and is found behind houses in Arkansas, Alabama, and other places where people drawl.
The kybo door has a crescent moon carved in it. The purpose of this moon is to provide access for flies.
Inside a kybo is a bench with one or two holes in it. A kybo with a single hole in the bench is called a one-holer. A kybo with two holes in the bench is called a two-holer.
Hanging on the wall inside the kybo is a Sears Roebuck catalog. Or maybe a big tin can full of corn cobs (from which arose the phrase, rough as a cob).
A kybo may have a sheet metal chimney extending above the roof. This is called a fart muffler.
Experienced users visit the kybo at mealtimes, when all the flies gather in the dining room.
The kybo door has a crescent moon carved in it. The purpose of this moon is to provide access for flies.
Inside a kybo is a bench with one or two holes in it. A kybo with a single hole in the bench is called a one-holer. A kybo with two holes in the bench is called a two-holer.
Hanging on the wall inside the kybo is a Sears Roebuck catalog. Or maybe a big tin can full of corn cobs (from which arose the phrase, rough as a cob).
A kybo may have a sheet metal chimney extending above the roof. This is called a fart muffler.
Experienced users visit the kybo at mealtimes, when all the flies gather in the dining room.
There once was a farmer named Clyde
Who went in the kybo and died.
His brother, named Lou,
Went and died in there too.
Now they're interred side-by-side.
Lem 'n' Jake, they was a-sittin' in the kybo, when Jake yells "Dagnab it! I done dropped a nickel down the hole!" Ol' Jake gets up, reaches in his bib overhalls, pulls out a twenty dollar bill, an' tosses it down the hole.
"Hey, Jake," drawls ol' Lem, "Why in tarnation you bin tossin' that twenty down the hole fer?"
An' Jake says, "Well now, ya don't think I'm gonna go down there jest to fetch a nickel, do ya?"
Who went in the kybo and died.
His brother, named Lou,
Went and died in there too.
Now they're interred side-by-side.
Lem 'n' Jake, they was a-sittin' in the kybo, when Jake yells "Dagnab it! I done dropped a nickel down the hole!" Ol' Jake gets up, reaches in his bib overhalls, pulls out a twenty dollar bill, an' tosses it down the hole.
"Hey, Jake," drawls ol' Lem, "Why in tarnation you bin tossin' that twenty down the hole fer?"
An' Jake says, "Well now, ya don't think I'm gonna go down there jest to fetch a nickel, do ya?"
by The Wog Whomper May 1, 2005
One who actively minds other people's business. Works hard to see things that are not for his eyes, and may open drawers and closets in a search for information.
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005
An person whose extraordinary wealth and business practices contribute to:
* Pollution of the Earth
* Oppression of the poor
* Misuse of natural resources
* Shipment of jobs to India and China
* Pollution of the Earth
* Oppression of the poor
* Misuse of natural resources
* Shipment of jobs to India and China
John Kerry and Al Gore are pollutocrats.
by The Wog Whomper May 3, 2005
A crip, blood, Pachuco, or other predator who harms innocent people or takes things that belong to other people. This variety of criminal is protected and defended by the liberal.
A businessman who harms innocent people with dangerous products or a ruined environment, or who takes things that belong to other people. This variety of criminal is protected and defended by the republican.
A businessman who harms innocent people with dangerous products or a ruined environment, or who takes things that belong to other people. This variety of criminal is protected and defended by the republican.
Pachuco boys beat people up and steal their wallets. Ken Lay steals people's retirement savings and their security. These guys are criminals.
by The Wog Whomper May 5, 2005
by The Wog Whomper May 1, 2005
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropski in snide. (It's crazy to bribe a copper with counterfeit money.)
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005