35 definitions by The Koaladude

When you find an Old leaflet in your pocket, It has absoulotely no use and may as well be made out of spinach.
Guy - Hey look at this I found this Leaflet on the Octobus.
Guy #2 - Aww Jeez la Weez quit picking up theese Spinach leaflets.
by The Koaladude September 12, 2005
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When you fail to hit at something.
Bad dart playa - *Throws dart - and fails to hit*
Commentater - Bad dart playa is up.. and he misses.
by The Koaladude September 9, 2005
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Something a Scottish person says instead of confused.
Scottish Person - You've Bambozzled it's wee brain.
by The Koaladude September 10, 2005
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Word used when playing a ball based game (Usually base ball. Its what your stereotypical coach says after you've hit the ball too far, usually just sounds a bit cheesy.
Guy - *Wollops ball*
Coach - Woah that was a slogger!
by The Koaladude September 9, 2005
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An Informal insult which is not meant to be offensive and just to make a point that someone is thinking stupidly.
Guy - *Trys to open jar, then gives up*
Guy#2 - *Opens jar with one hand*
Guy - Thanks
Guy#2 - Primitive
by The Koaladude September 9, 2005
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The main charecter in the video game Time Splitters 3: Future Perfect. Who travels through time to save the human race - he also has horrible humor.
Cortez - Its time to split!
by The Koaladude September 9, 2005
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A Cruel/Crooked Noob on an Online game, Which (Usually) won't share what little he has and is usually disliked.
Guy - Mate you have any Gold Coins to Spare?
Croob - No! Get Lost!
Guy - Aww.. Man, your such a croob.
by The Koaladude September 8, 2005
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