37 definitions by Mat

A friggen retard. One who is most likely dumb, and scrawny.
Pasty. He is scrawny, and friggen retarded.
by Mat April 1, 2003
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a forced labor camp in which poor people are forced to complete useless tasks at the beckoning of five bazillion bosses each having they're own stupid idosynchrocies.
"hey man wutz up? Jus goin to work. Where? Kro-er..hell."
by Mat April 2, 2003
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A colorful species of waterfowl (duck) considered less desirable by hunters. Sometimes refered to as, "Portuguse broad billed flying technocolor rat".
Slow day at the blind so we shot a pair of spooneys then got drunk
by Mat March 1, 2005
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Huge hip hop/ rnb star Raghav.
You see that girl there? Yeh who she look for? - A Raghav she look for, but what about me and u? - Me dunno!
by Mat October 27, 2004
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Simple word to identify Tommy. A Tommy at work needs to be identified as a mo fo.
Die Mo Fo. Tommy is such a Mo Fo. I just can't believ how Mo Fo you are today.
by Mat July 7, 2004
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wanna be gang slang for my passed on valubles or money.
hey G when my pops croked he passed me his heirloom vegetables.
by Mat August 1, 2004
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