
a couple; someone who is perceived as belonging to their partner
Mr Mac and Miss Cheese are an item.
by tania January 12, 2005
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pair of poeple, commonly seen as dating, or about to date.
So, are you and Amanda an item?
by Argo1000 February 22, 2005
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That hat is an item.
by Starc0ck January 16, 2009
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a really hot looking babe... a sultry siren if u must!
kya item hai bawa!!!!!
by vinay September 16, 2003
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where is the item?

they got caught with the item.
by carfunkylou September 16, 2009
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The Item

American-Syrian Jewish Slang used to refer to anything you may forget the name of
Jeff: Where is the Item tonight
Sam: At Marlene's House
by MikeyD25 January 30, 2018
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Items; private places
Ray: Dude don't touch my items!
Charles: SORRY! It was an accident
by D's Mom December 7, 2006
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