15 definitions by Lex Sleuthor

Deliberately choosing songs to sing at karaoke for which you have neither the voice range or tone, and taking a perverse pleasure as you struggle painfully through it.

Antonym - karaoke sadism
Gina: I don't know why Lisa keeps choosing those high pitched songs. She doesn't have the voice for it at all.

Tom: Maybe she's into karaoke masochism.
by Lex Sleuthor May 29, 2009
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Glossy centerfolds of kittens and their ilk staring lovingly into the camera or doing something unabashedly cute. Usually adorns the wall of seniors or other lonely people.
I got grandma another calender of cats for Christmas. She loves the kitty porn.
by Lex Sleuthor August 12, 2009
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Pretending that you have food poisoning to get out of work or onerous duties.
Brad: Why didn't John get up to come fishing with us this morning?

Brenda: Dude said his stomach hurt, that maybe he had some bad tuna yesterday.

Brad: Sounds like a case of shamonella to me.
by Lex Sleuthor May 29, 2009
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Killing time by clicking through unknown friend's of your known friends on Facebook. Usually followed by five to ten minutes of friend surfing through complete strangers.
Damn, Toby knows some strange people. (click) This chick is hot, how did he meet her I wonder? (click) Look at this fucking hipster! Too bad Facebook blocks their info...

Friend surfing!!
by Lex Sleuthor July 12, 2009
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A person too lazy to get off their ass and go see colleagues in the same office or building, who contacts them instead by cellphone.
At the watercooler....

Jon: Hey Sally, how's things?
Sally: Not bad. Got any weekend plans?
Jon: Well, I was thinking (phone vibrates) sorry, gotta check this. Hello? (looks around, sighs) I'll get one.
Sally: Who was that?
Jon: Bob. He wanted a cup of water.
Sally: But he is sitting right over there! What a cell potato...
Jon: What's a 'cell potato?'
Sally: Ever heard of Urban Dictionary?
by Lex Sleuthor April 26, 2010
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When PMS reaches a critical fission point resulting in a total emotional meltdown of the PMSer and a poisoning of their surroundings so bad that any cohabitators must immediately flee the scene.
Chris: Hey Tom, could you let me in to the office? I left my keycard home.
Tom: That's not like you. What happened?
Chris: Oh the wife went hormonal chernobyl this morning and I skedaddled without cellphone, card, and lunch.
Tom: That's tough man. Spot you for lunch?
Chris: Dude, much appreciated.
Tom: Bros before hos man.
by Lex Sleuthor December 6, 2009
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1. n. Actors who drift from failed series to failed series playing the same type of character in the same genre their whole career.

2. n. Friends or neighbors who come over to mooch because they have no TV or satellite.
1. "Hey, weren't the new guy and girl on Stargate on Farscape?"
"Yup, they're tv refugees. Like old Start Trek actors"

2. "Oh man, Barry just called and invited himself ver to watch the match."
"Freakin tv refugee!"
by Lex Sleuthor April 10, 2010
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