
The only person in the family that knows how to cook.
Person A: Mmmm! This food tastes good!
Person B: Yea, I bet a grandma made it.
by Frank F. September 3, 2006
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The person who gives you $100 each christmas or birthday.
Me: Hey grandma what you get me for Christmas?
Grandma: $100 spend it or save for college my sweet child.
by 3aergthyesbg November 30, 2019
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Most likely your favorite relative, next to the cool uncle.
Dude, my grandma is so cool! She makes the best munchies
by thebakedgod December 29, 2011
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The friend who always wants to stay in. Complains of back pain and getting tired before midnight when they are only in their mid-twenties. Their instagram feed most likely features their cat with the occasional "going out" picture once a year.
Brooke: "Want to come out with us tonight?"
Jess: "I'm super tired. I think I'm just going to stay in, I'm such a grandma."
Brooke: "You really are."
by crazyinstagirl July 25, 2018
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1. Your mother or fathers mother.
2. Any old lady you see on the street.
1. Relative
2. Gray haired woman in the car in front of you going 20 mph.
by choochooo December 19, 2003
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Verb: To start a meal between 4:30 and 5:30 in the evening.
James: You gonna grandma tonight?
Amadea: You know I can't wait until 6 to eat!
by Jashenhu May 13, 2006
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(Verb) To cheat at on-line poker by having more than one account. It originated when a cheater confessed and said he had originally set up the second account for his "grandma."
If you grandma you can really make a lot of money playing on-line poker.
by bigbadben March 1, 2006
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