161 definitions by Craig

Kill people, shoot, go through with something you are not comfortable with!
Let's have a slugfest!

We gotta slug it out in battle.
by Craig May 8, 2004
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This is a word used when naming a child, it basically means I don't care what it's called so you decide!
Mother: I've always liked the name Mary for a girl...
Father: I've always like the name resterauntulay!
by Craig May 7, 2004
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Word made up by Craig, in scrabble. When he meant to type Seizure, but cannot spell.
An example is not required in this case
by Craig January 23, 2005
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tour a nudger
by Craig March 28, 2004
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Emcee for the hip hop group, Main Source, and now is an acclaimed hip hop producer and emcee
Large Professor is a great producer and emcee.
by Craig April 8, 2005
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I'm pretty sure he's cheating on her, that relationship definitely has a sexpiration date.
by Craig January 18, 2005
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1. The world within ours. Inhabited by red and green but most commonly blue klaymen. These blobs of klay created by the one and only Knox.

2. Klay World is basically Robert Benfer's (Knox's) desk that he animates his awesome klaymations. Klay World is also the shortened term for his new full feature movie Klay World: Off the Table.
1. "It's the end of Klay World!"

2. Are you gonna be buying Knox's Klay World movie?
by Craig May 29, 2005
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