104 definitions by BLAKE

A term to insult a person or a thing that may seem 'retard' like. The sound that is expressed through disabled persons speech.
by BLAKE June 24, 2003
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To Flaccify is to make or take away ones bonal appendage
she was so dog i was flaccified
by BLAKE March 10, 2005
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Intense diarrhoea, resembling a volcano. So intense that when fecies exits, it does so at such speed to cause a splash in the toilet water which makes contact with the buttocks.
Man, I had such a volcanus today, my ass was drenched and stinging madly afterwards.
by BLAKE January 18, 2004
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A fart that sounds like you blew bubbles in your Hardees malt.
That wasn't just a fart, THAT was a gurgle, you better check your pants/
by BLAKE November 11, 2002
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Fujiwara Takumi is the main character of a Japanese anime and manga featuring downhill racing with an emphasis on "drift" technique.
by BLAKE March 21, 2004
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