104 definitions by BLAKE

PHRASE- Usually said by female prostitutes in the bay area when they notice it is a member of the same sex asking "How much?"
Prostitute- "HEY HEY HEY!"
Teenage girl- "HOW MUCH?"
Prostitute- "Oh my gawww"
by BLAKE June 16, 2006
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Japanese animation - very bad; the work of talented artists who are capable of vivid animation, which is somehow reduced to crap with a hackneyed plot that nobody wants to watch.
Adult Swim hosts the anime show Inuyasha. They should show Futurama twice a night instead.
by BLAKE September 28, 2005
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Completely useless
Knowing how to fold socks in 10 different ways is as useless as an ashtray on a crotch rocket.
by BLAKE November 12, 2002
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Someone who smokes and who's mouth tastes like an ashtray
Don't kiss him he's mash.
by BLAKE November 12, 2002
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I ain't goin to school today I got the back-door-trots.
by BLAKE November 12, 2002
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A worthless, marijuana addicted degenerate, loser punk. Sole reason for living is to get high.
Man, that kid Blake is such a stonehead. All he does is sit around and smoke weed.
by BLAKE August 13, 2004
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The act of whipping a person accross the face in the a very degrading. Victims of this actions are usually left with no sense of pride or wanting to live. This usually falls upon people who pass out after small amounts of alcohol.
Shawn who drove a sunbird who sold it for a gayer car known as a cavalier (not just girls drive them) got shapappied when he passed out walking up the stairs, he wishes he was dead now.Shit I Got You Good
by BLAKE September 21, 2004
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