IPA: kan gab

1. n. Conversation (not always with a stranger) between stalls in a public toilet.

2. v. (plural) To converse while high on drugs in a bathroom.

3. n. Trivial communication (usu. speech), oft. self-rectifying; (adj.) absurd and/or off topic.
1. Listen, jim, I overheard some wicked can gab back there, I think the shit is about to hit the fan!

2. I thought it was just idle can-gab, but then the toilet exploded.

3. I been waitin' for the bathroom for like ten minutes! I'm about to pee myself and all I can hear is those two can-gabbing and giggling like school girls!

4. When they started talking about Luminous Bodies, the crowd thought it was so deep, but it was absolute can-gab.

5. I know it's a seminar, but his question was just so...I don't know...can-gab.
by Zero & Lefty February 8, 2011
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What some animal rights activists use instead of the word "fish"
Sea kittens taste better than land kittens.
by Freigeist May 16, 2010
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A term coined by Blanche Devereaux from the sitcom The Golden Girls. She describes it as so many negative emotions trampling each other that it's hard to know what exactly you're feeling. You're not entirely sad, so not blue. You're not entirely jealous, so not green. You're not entirely afraid, so not yellow. And you're not entirely angry, so not red. It's a mix of all of them, and some can be more present than others. Blanche used magenta to describe a feeling she hates because she dislikes the color magenta.
Dorothy: I was feeling jealous and lonely and God knows what else.
Blanche: Magenta.
Dorothy: Excuse me?
Blanche: Feeling magenta. That's what I call it when I get that way. All kinds of feelings tumbling all over themselves. I hate that feeling! I just hate it! And I hate the color magenta. That's why I named it that.
by countbessie February 28, 2023
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1. A song by the Arctic Monkeys.

2. a child who, through overexposure to television, movies and music, grows up too quickly and without substance. By the time they are around 13 they believe they are ready for sex, alcohol, and drugs. The later feel remorse for the childhood that they skipped over.
1. Fluorescent Adolescent is my favourite song from Favourite Worst Nightmare.

2. If you let your child sit infront of the tv everynight he's going to become a fluorescent adolescent.
by Sanna C. September 18, 2008
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An aesthetic and fashion trend popularized by TikTok and Instagram in late 2023 and early 2024, taking inspiration by 1990's to 2000's corporate culture, luxury brands and being defined by items such as "Bayonetta glasses", pencil skirts, button ups, heels and female associated formalwear. The look is intended to look sleek, mysterious, sexy and nerdy. Occupations of the "office siren" include lawyer, librarian, receptionist and most popularly, a secretary.
The secretary was described as an office siren by their boss.
by clockenslocker June 6, 2024
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A non binary person that falls under the “himbo/bimbo” definition.
Person 1: damn Dani is such a himbo
Person 2: are you dumb? They’re non binary! They’re a thembo!
by Escobar8 September 1, 2020
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Someone who consistently annoys others to the point of receiving a physical and/or verbal attack.
Jonesy : "Did you have a nice day today? how about I make you some nice carbonara for dinner?"

Loft : Fuck off you nause
by The El Hadj Groove November 24, 2010
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