by da madd scientist October 4, 2003
by Anonymousgamer January 30, 2020
by Satsuki--Chan666 August 22, 2017
Promiscuous individual prone to frequent sexual encounters;
particulary applicable to an individual from some distance away geographically, which creates a double meaning in that they are both from "all the way" over there and enjoy going "all the way"
particulary applicable to an individual from some distance away geographically, which creates a double meaning in that they are both from "all the way" over there and enjoy going "all the way"
1. All The Way _____ has been with like six guys so far.
2. All The Way Alex??? Hells yeah I tapped that last night, did you know she's here all the way from California????
2. All The Way Alex??? Hells yeah I tapped that last night, did you know she's here all the way from California????
by halfwaypimp28 July 13, 2008
1. A phrase meant to show you are completely serious. Heart and soul are involved.
2. To be positive, Unquestionable, Absolute.
3. To reach a goal or conclusion.
2. To be positive, Unquestionable, Absolute.
3. To reach a goal or conclusion.
She asked if I would consider dating him again and I replied, "It's, all the way the hell, over."
My goal is to climb Mount Rushmore and I'm going, all the way the hell, to the top.
My goal is to climb Mount Rushmore and I'm going, all the way the hell, to the top.
by LaRhettie April 4, 2013
by Ryboflavin March 6, 2003
The unintentional, yet unavoidable, alteration in both speaking pattern and word selection between two Caucasian males.
Question: "Hey there, I hope you wouldn't mind terribly if I resorted to contacting you on your personal cellular device should I find myself in an untoward situation."
Answer: "Ha. Ha. I would be happy to receive your communication at any time my good man; but also concerned that you might have indeed succumbed to malfeasance.
Observer: "Oh, hell no! They done gone all the way white, boo boo..."
Answer: "Ha. Ha. I would be happy to receive your communication at any time my good man; but also concerned that you might have indeed succumbed to malfeasance.
Observer: "Oh, hell no! They done gone all the way white, boo boo..."
by YAWA April 12, 2017